Legal and Agreement Centre

Welcome to our legal and agreement centre. Noiz as an organisation, strives to provide a private and secure hosting service that you can trust. Getting our legal and compliance agreement right is an important part of that.

Our relationship with you legal and trust

We believe that plain and understandable terms, policies or legal notices help to ensure a common understanding and are the foundation of a mutually beneficial relationship. People seldom read them, but they are important because they describe the relationship between you and us. Our agreement includes different terms, including our:

Our policies and processes

In order to build trust, we want our policies and processes on certain important issues to be clear. For example, our:

Compliance with the law

We are committed to complying with all laws and codes (like the ISPA Code) that apply to Noiz. For example, we take our responsibility to comply with data protection laws (like the GDPR and POPIA) seriously. We are also committed to helping you to comply with your regulatory obligations. You can read more about:

We also respect that the law (like PAIA) requires us to give certain people access to information in certain circumstances. Our Access to Information Manual (or PAIA Manual) sets out how you can request access.